Chambers Bay Golf Course
Home of the 2015 US Open Championship

Score Card & Course Map

Hole 1: Par 5, 498 yards
The opening hole at Chambers Bay is a welcoming par 5 that provides a very manageable start to the round. Most tee shots will finish short of the crest of the hill in the fairway, leaving a partially blind second shot. Approach shots must favor the right side and can utilize the contours along that side of the fairway to find the putting surface.
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Hole 2: Par 4, 395 yards
The tee shot on this medium length par 4 plays through the dunes to a narrowed fairway. The shortest approach is from the left side of the fairway, but that route brings a large bunker into play. Play down the right side to take advantage of an open entrance to the green, which slopes from right to left, and is bisected by a large ridge.
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Hole 3: Par 3, 167 yards
The kidney-shaped green is guarded on the left by a deep bunker and a swale off the putting surface collects shots struck too long. A large kick-slope on the right redirects shots toward the center of the green.
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Hole 4: Par 5, 530 yards
The green is reachable in two shots for long hitters, though tee shots must avoid the immense bunker on the right. The green complex, which can be accessed from a strong fairway slope left of the green, is framed by a large bunker front and right with three blowout bunkers behind.
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Hole 5: Par 4, 465 yards
This long straightaway hole rewards a drive down the center. While the fairway is generous, massive bunker complexes protect either side. Tee shots that land left of center will chase toward the bunker and be faced with a semi-blind approach. The green on this long par 4 is guarded by a deep fronting bunker.
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Hole 6: Par 4, 418 yards
Depending on the placement of the tee markers, the sixth hole is either a long, dogleg right or a short straightaway par 4. Regardless, favor the left side for an unobstructed view of a green perched between two bunkers. The slope from back to front encourages a low running approach.
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Hole 7: Par 4, 482 yards
Taking an aggressive line over the large bunker on the right invites a shorter approach to the green, but also brings trouble into play. Tee shots played safely to the left will face a blind approach over the hummocks fronting the green. The severely uphill approach plays much longer than the actual yardage.
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Hole 8: Par 5, 557 yards
This fairway is much wider than it appears from the tee, but does slope from left to right. A drive struck down the left side of the fairway will be redirected to the middle, offering an open view of a long and narrow green. Contours to the left and in the back of the green will move approach shots back toward the center of the green.
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Hole 9: Par 3, 227 yards
The teeing ground on this long par 3 is perched nearly 100 feet above the green. The oversized green slopes from left to right, providing assistance to players hoping to avoid the menacing bunker short and right of the putting surface.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 10: Par 4, 398 yards
This medium-length par 4 splits the two largest dunes on the golf course. The fairway narrows steadily the closer one comes to the green, making club selection off the tee crucial. A relatively flat green is nestled between the dunes and is flanked by deep bunkers front right and back left.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 11: Par 4, 457 yards
This long par 4 plays straightaway, while the fairway curls in and around the dunes and waste areas. A tee shot over the central fairway dune leaves a middle-to long iron approach. The green is set into a slope from right to left and features a ridge bisecting the surface lengthwise.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 12: Par 4, 281 yards
An uphill, drivable par 4, the 12th is the narrowest hole on course. Lay up short or challenge the blowout bunker fronting the green. A very large and undulating green set in a punchbowl requires an accurate approach or lag putt. Strong contours all around this green invite creativity and imagination into your short game.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 13: Par 4, 485 yards
The placement of the tee shot is critical on this strong, dogleg right par-4. Though the fairway is the widest on the course, a tee shot down the right significantly reduces the length of the approach. A central bunker requires players to carefully choose their line of attack on the approach. Shots struck off line will be rejected by the knob on the left of the green, or a slope falling away on the right.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 14: Par 4, 496 yards
The first task on this dramatic downhill par 4 is to decide how aggressive you wish to be off the tee. A large, deep waste area must be carried onto a fairway sloping from right to left. Mounding short and right of the putting surface will funnel shots onto a large green that tilts toward the fairway in front, but then slopes away toward a collection area beyond.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 15: Par 3, 139 yards
This short par 3 plays from an elevated tee and is fully exposed to the prevailing wind, making club selection critical. The well-defended green slopes from left to right. Standing watch in the distance, the Lone Fir is the only tree on the course.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 16: Par 4, 396 yards
This medium-length par 4 curves gently around a long bunker that flanks the entire right side of the hole. Tee shots should favor the left side to account for slope toward the bunker. The tabletop green is the smallest on the course and also slopes dramatically from left to right.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 17: Par 3, 172 yards
The lower tee offers a level shot and requires a long carry over the waste bunker, while the upper tee provides a drop shot with full view of the green and its surrounds. The putting surface is split into obvious halves, allowing only accurately struck shots near the hole.
Photo by David Cannon/Getty Image

Hole 18: Par 5, 541 yards
A slightly uphill par 5 surrounded by dunes. The remnants of vast concrete sorting bins loom over the teeing grounds. After navigating a fairway dotted by bunkers and swales, a large green featuring multiple levels and strong contours awaits. Imagination and a deft putting touch are required to pass the final exam in this championship test.
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Hole 19 – Chambers Bay Grill
After the tournament, we celebrate and enjoy the splendor of the majestic Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. We tally up the scores and announce the winners of the cash games!